Session Overview
Date: Thursday, 01/Sep/2016
Symposium: Changing family relations and work
Location: 2.105
Chair: Dr. Sara Mazzucchelli, Catholic University
Chair: Dr. Ann Zofie Duvander, Stockholm University

Chair(s): Mazzucchelli, Sara (Catholic University), Duvander, Ann Zofie (Stockholm University)


Presentations of the Symposium


Introduction to the symposium: Changing family relations and work

Mazzucchelli, Sara1, Duvander, Ann Zofie2
1Catholic University, 2Stockholm University


Italian families facing the work-family balance: a focus on fathers

Bosoni, Maria Letizia1, Crespi, Isabella2, Ruspini, Elisabetta3
1Catholic University of Milan, Italy, 2University of Macerata, Italy, 3University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy


Change in family relations? Malta’s working time regime and the male breadwinner model

Camilleri-Cassar, Frances
University of Malta

WS5: Care and welfare policies
Location: 2.106
Chair: Judith Kaschowitz, TU Dortmund

The experience of Arab social workers treating Arab fathers at parent-child centers in Israel in the context of political and gender conflict

Jammal-Abboud, Romain1; Blit-Cohen, Edith2

1: Haifa University, Israel; 2: Hebrew University, Israel

Between objective needs and moral acceptance – outsourcing carework in Germany & UK

Nisic, Natascha

University of Hamburg, Germany

WS6: Families, inequalities and intergenerational reproduction
Location: 2.107
Chair: Holger Schoneville, TU Dortmund University

Life strategies in the context of social inequalities – intergenerational transmissions and disruptions

Chamakalayil, Lalitha1; Riegel, Christine2

1: University of Applied Sciences and Art Northwestern Switzerland, Basel, Switzerland; 2: University of Education, Freiburg, Germany

Subtle paths of intergenerational reproduction - psychic aspects of habitus formation in adolescents

Schmitz, Andreas; Barth, Alice

University of Bonn, Germany

Gender-specific effects of supportive parenting on a successful career entry

Pruisken, Henrik1; Huß, Björn2

1: Osnabrück University, Germany; 2: German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW)

Intergenerational effects of active labour market policies

Zabel, Cordula; Kopf, Eva

Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Germany

WS7: Life course, aging and intergenerational relations I - new forms of intergenerational solidarity and intergenerational relations
Location: 2.108
Chair: Dr. Iaroslav Youssim, Van Leer Jerusalem Institute

Intergenerational solidarity and migration in Europe: differences or similarities?

Isengard, Bettina1; König, Ronny2; Szydlik, Marc3

1: University of Zurich, Switzerland; 2: University of Zurich, Switzerland; 3: University of Zurich, Switzerland

Great-grandparents in comparison to grandparents in Israel

Even-Zohar, Ahuva1; Garby, Ayala {Tzurit}2

1: School of social work, faculty of social sciences, Ariel university, Israel; 2: School of social work, faculty of social sciences, Ariel university, Israel

Homeownership and intergenerational relations and transfers.

Gulbrandsen, Lars Petter; Sandlie, Hans Christian

NOVA - Norwegian Social Research, Norway

A discussion about Iranian individualism: family-oriented individualism in Iran

Mirzaei, Hossein

institute for social and cultural studies msrt & university of tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of

WS8: Parenthood and family formation II - impact of parenting on couple relationships and life satisfaction
Location: 2.109
Chair: Dr. Isabelle Albert, University of Luxembourg

Experiences of competence and autonomy in the parental role among couples: findings from a dyadic perspective

Wilhelm, Barbara

LMU University of Munich, Germany

Dyadic influence of parental self-efficacy on the coparental relationship

El Ghaziri, Nahema; Darwiche, Joëlle

University of Lausanne, Switzerland

The impact of parenting on the couple relationship in Malta

Zammit Said, Allison; Vella, Sue; Abela, Angela; Piscopo, Suzanne; Calleja, Neville

National Centre for Family Research, President's Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society, Malta

How healthy is your state of mind? Health inequalities and family life

Calleja, Neville; Vella, Sue; Piscopo, Suzanne; Zammit Said, Allison; Abela, Angela

National Centre for Family Research, The President's Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society, Malta

WS9: Children, childhood and youth I - growing up under adverse conditions 1
Location: 2.512
Chair: Prof. Barbara Segatto, University of Padova

Child-based interventions for children of divorce families: a new conceptual framework.

Van der Heyden, Karen; Bastaits, Kim; Mortelmans, Dimitri

University of Antwerp, Belgium

Child custody and its effects on children in Hungary

Galántai, Júlia

MTA TK RECENS Research Group, Hungary

Family trajectories and children's well-being.

Bastaits, Kim1; Pasteels, Inge1,2; Mortelmans, Dimitri1

1: University of Antwerp, Belgium; 2: Hogeschool PXL

Parental gendered attitudes and behaviours as predictors of child socio-emotional difficulties

Bird, Lauren; Sacker, Amanda; McMunn, Anne

University College London, United Kingdom

Outcomes of adolescence and family characteristics in Romanian youth

Haragus, Paul Teodor

Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Keynote: Her and his? Exploring gender in intergenerational patterns (Prof. Gunhild Hagestad)
Location: HS2

Hagestad, Gunhild

Norwegian Social Research, Norway

Keynote: Welfare state systems and children´s interests - the impact of differences in child welfare, child protection and children´s rights regulations on decision making processes (Prof. Marit Skivenes)
Location: HS3

Skivenes, Marit

University of Bergen, Norway

POS: Poster Session
Location: Foyer

Balance in the sibling-mother-sibling triad.

de Bel, Vera1,2; Kalmijn, Matthijs3

1: University of Groningen; 2: The Inter-university Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology (ICS); 3: University of Amsterdam

Evolution and characteristics of binational marriages in Spain, 2005 – 2013.

Khadour, Isabel; Becerril Ruiz, Diego

University of Granada, Spain

Gestational surrogacy and legal delimitation of parenthood in Finland

Kivipuro, Kaisa Johanna

University of Helsinki, Finland

Intergenerational relations and health: Does grandparenthood extend life expectancy?

Heinrich, Nils

Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics and Social Sciences, Germany

Maternal practice in narration of mothers of three different generations

Volejníčková, Romana

Charles University, Faculty of Social Sceinces, Czech Republic

Motherhood after long term infertility – Narrative approach

Lehto, Siru Annika

University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Peripheral fatherhood in Finland

Mykkänen, Johanna Kristiina; Eerola, Petteri

Jyväskylä University, Finland

Predictors of parenting stress during early adoptive parenthood

Canzi, Elena; Ranieri, Sonia; Ferrari, Laura; Barni, Daniela; Rosnati, Rosa

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, Italy

Transmission of sport values and parental involvement in children’s sportive activity

Danioni, Francesca Vittoria1; Barni, Daniela2; Rosnati, Rosa1

1: Catholic University of Milan, Italy; 2: LUMSA University of Rome, Italy

Family size and children's play activity

Noskova, Antonina Vyacheslavona

Moscow State Institute of International Relations / MGIMO University, Russian Federation

Almost like at home? Families-personnel collaboration in day-and-night care

Malinen, Kaisa1; Rönkä, Anna2; Teppo, Ulla1

1: JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland; 2: University of Jyväskylä, Finland

An explorative study about the bisexual’s affective and sexual relationships

Saïdoun, Diantha1; Heenen-Wolff, Susann2

1: Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium; 2: Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium

An obligation of family care and its determinants in Japan

Nakata, Tomoo1; Nakata, Masami2

1: Hokusei Gakuen University, Japan; 2: Sapporo Gakuin University, Japan

Constructions of single motherhood- a heteronormativity critical discourse analysis

Kasten, Anna

Technische Universität Berlin, Germany

Distance Caregiving (DiCa): Care potential across national distances and international boundaries

Franke, Annette Astrid1; Otto, Ulrich2; Bischofberger, Iren2

1: Evangelische Hochschule Ludwigsburg, Germany; 2: Careum Forschung, Research Institute, Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, Department of Health Sciences , CH-Zürich

How does separation from cohabitation or marriage affect political preferences?

Voorpostel, Marieke1; Coffé, Hilde2; Kuhn, Ursina1

1: FORS, Switzerland; 2: Victoria University of Wellington

Two stories, one divorce: Coping with divorce by ex-spouses

Leppälä, Kalle

University of Helsinki, Finland

Diversity of timing – Focused on “family formation” in Germany and South Korea

Lee, Hyunsuk

Doktorandin, Ruhr-Universität Bochum/ Lecturer, Sangmyung Univ. Seoul, Korea, Republic of (South Korea)

Negotiating the life course. Dyadic decision-making in postmodern times.

Klingel, Markus

Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences, Germany

The meanings of contemporary parenting. Parents in the learning process.

Wiatr, Marta

Maria Grzegorzewska University, Poland

Male participation in unpaid domestic work

Ripoll-Arcacia, Carolina Victoria

University of Alicante, Spain

Who is socially excluded in 2010’s Europe? An “asset portfolio” behind friendship in old age

Youssim, Iaroslav

Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Israel

Symposium: ‘Families in poverty’ – discourses and experiences
Location: 2.105

Chair(s): Andresen, Sabine (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt), Künstler, Sophie (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt), Schoneville, Holger (TU Dortmund University)

Discussant(s): Andresen, Sabine (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)


Presentations of the Symposium


Introduction to the symposium: families and poverty

Andresen, Sabine
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt


Transnational migration by job as a familial poverty alleviation strategy in Estonia: perspectives of children left behind and commuting by job fathers

Kutsar, Dagmar
University of Tartu, Estonia


The ‘dangerous addressing’ as ‘poor parents’

Künstler, Sophie
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany


Families in Poverty – when one’s own idea of ‘good parenting’ is constantly questioned

Schoneville, Holger
TU Dortmund University, Germany

Symposium: Value transmission and intergenerational relations across the life course
Location: 2.106

Chair(s): Barni, Daniela (LUMSA University of Rome)

Discussant(s): Ferring, Dieter (University of Luxembourg)


Presentations of the Symposium


Value priorities of Estonian adolescents

Tamm, Anni, Tulviste, Tiia
University of Tartu, Tartu


The value(s) of teachers: What do teachers want to transmit to their adolescent students?

Barni, Daniela1, Danioni, Francesca2, Rosnati, Rosa2
1LUMSA University of Rome, 2Catholic University of Milan


Actual and perceived value similarities between adult children and their ageing parents in migrant compared to non-migrant families in Luxembourg

Albert, Isabelle, Barros Coimbra, Stephanie, Ferring, Dieter
University of Luxembourg

WS10: Couple relationships II - couple relationships and life satisfaction
Location: 2.107
Chair: Dr. Lars Petter Gulbrandsen, NOVA - Norwegian Social Research

Life satisfaction for couples and singles

Abela, Angela; Calleja, Neville; Piscopo, Suzanne; Zammit Said, Allison; Vella, Sue

National Centre for Family Research,President's Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society, Malta

Cash-strapped? Perceived income adequacy and life and relationship satisfaction among Maltese adults

Piscopo, Suzanne; Zammit Said, Allison; Vella, Sue; Abela, Angela; Calleja, Neville

National Centre for Family Research, President's Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society

No man can live as an island

Kinnunen, Anu

University of Eastern FInland, Finland

Generational differences among women’s expectations from their partners in a qualitative study

Meymandi, Fatemeh1; Alipour, Mohammad Reza2

1: Islamic Azad University-Science and Research Branch, Iran; 2: University of Minho, Portugal

WS11: Pluralisation of family forms I - LGBT, surrogacy and family relations
Location: 2.108
Chair: Prof. Jorge Gato, University of Porto

The influence of sexual orientation in perceptions of family solidarity in Portugal.

Gato, Jorge; Fontaine, Anne Marie

Centre for Psychology at University of Porto, Portugal

“What should I tell him?” The concealing/revealing strategies of parents of intersex children

Meoded Danon, Limor1; Krämer, Anike2

1: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel; 2: The Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany.

Ally, partner and/or parent: when your partner and the parent of your children is transgender

Dierckx, Myrte1; Mortelmans, Dimitri1; Motmans, Joz2; T'Sjoen, Guy2

1: University of Antwerp, Belgium; 2: Ghent University Hospital, Belgium

Surrogacy: un-mothering the woman who gives birth and parenting the commissioning parents

Konvalinka, Nancy Anne

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain

WS12: Parenthood and family formation III - changing fatherhood, changing care arrangements?
Location: 2.109
Chair: Prof. Michael Meuser

Men’s involvement in childcare decisions: accounts by Finnish fathers

Eerola, Petteri1; Mykkänen, Johanna2

1: University of Tampere, Finland; 2: University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Daddy takes parental leave, too! Challenges of involved fatherhood in Germany

Aunkofer, Stefanie1; Neumann, Benjamin2

1: Ruhr University Bochum, Germany; 2: TU University Dortmund, Germany

Changing fatherhood: Spanish rural police using a leave alone in Spain

Meil, Gerardo; Romero-Balsas, Pedro; Rogero-Garcia, Jesus

Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain

All about the money? Parents’ rationales behind parental leave arrangements

Schmidt, Eva-Maria

University of Vienna, Austria

WS13: Work and family life I - maternal employment: conducive and inhibiting factors
Location: 2.512
Chair: Dr. Niall Hanlon, Dublin Business School

Does outsourcing of domestic work promote women‘s employment? And if not, why?

Diener, Katharina1; Nisic, Natascha2

1: Institute for Employment Research Nuremberg (IAB), Germany; 2: University Hamburg, Germany

Choices or constraints: how attitudes towards maternal employment and institutional child care in Germany influence labour market behavior

Lietzmann, Torsten; Wenzig, Claudia

Institute for Employment Research Germany, Germany

Symposium: Plurality, change, and continuity in intergenerational family relations: the role of ambivalences
Location: 2.105

Chair(s): Steinhoff, Annekatrin (Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development, University of Zurich, Switzerland), Albert, Isabelle (INSIDE, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)

Discussant(s): Widmer, Eric (University of Geneva)


Presentations of the Symposium


Ambivalence and change in family relations: evidence from Latent Transition Analyses

Hogerbrugge, Martijn
Cardiff University, United Kingdom


The dynamic relations between parenting, ambivalence experiences and self-esteem development in adolescence

Steinhoff, Annekatrin, Buchmann, Marlis
Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development, University of Zurich, Switzerland


Ambivalent relationship dynamics in every-day life of "reconstituted families“

Degen, Cynthia
University of Muenster, Germany


Child-parent ambivalences in young adulthood: effects of gender, generation and culture

Barros Coimbra, Stephanie, Albert, Isabelle, Ferring, Dieter
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Symposium: Changing gender arrangements – new imaginations of parenthood. Reconciliation of occupational and family life in a neoliberal society.
Location: 2.106

Chair(s): Baumgarten, Diana (University of Basel)

Discussant(s): Kirchhoff, Nicole (TU Dortmund)


Presentations of the Symposium


"I am replaceable as worker, but not as mother" How Swiss women aged 30 reflect on their occupational and family lifes.

Baumgarten, Diana
University of Basel


Challenging the Hegemony of Carefree Masculinities

Hanlon, Niall
Dublin Business School & University College Dublin


"When I become a father, I want to work part time." How Swiss men aged 30 reflect on their occupational and family lifes.

Wehner, Nina
University of Basel

WS14: Couple relationships III - what keeps couples and families together?
Location: 2.107
Chair: Dr. Sara Mazzucchelli, Catholic University

Emotion dynamics and emotional reactivity to interpersonal events

Luginbuehl, Tamara; Schoebi, Dominik

University of Fribourg, Switzerland

Intimate relationships of women with Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome

Beisert, Maria Janina1; Walczyk-Matyja, Katarzyna2; Szymańska-Pytlińska, Marta Elżbieta1; Chodecka, Aleksandra Maria1; Kapczuk, Karina2; Kędzia, Witold2

1: Institute of Psychology, Poznan, Poland; 2: Division of Gynecology, Department of Perinatology and Gynecology, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland

Her family, his family: married couples’ conceptions of who belongs to the family

Luotonen, Aino1; Castrén, Anna-Maija2

1: University of Helsinki, Finland; 2: University of Eastern Finland

The associations for separated parents: their role for parents’ well-being and co-parenting

Carrà, Elisabetta; Zanchettin, Alice; Parise, Miriam; Iafrate, Raffaella; Bertoni, Anna

Family Studies and Research University Centre - Catholic University of Sacred Hearth, Italy

Altruism among Iranian families (a survey in Tehran )

amini, saeedeh

allame tabatabaei university, iran, islamic republic of

WS15: Children, childhood and youth II - growing up under adverse conditions 2
Location: 2.108
Chair: Prof. Gerardo Meil, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

The impact of maltreatment on the quality of sibling relationships

Witte, Susanne

Deutsches Jugendinstitut, Germany

Living conditions of children in low income households in Germany

Tophoven, Silke; Wenzig, Claudia; Lietzmann, Torsten

Institute for Employment Research, Germany

Notions on community and family in the context of urban regeneration

Wonneberger, Astrid

HAW Hamburg, Germany

WS16: Research on everyday family life
Location: 2.109
Chair: Dr. Eija Sevón, Unniversity of Jyvaskyla

Agency in everyday family life

Sevón, Eija

Unniversity of Jyvaskyla, Finland

From pleasure to exhaustion – Finnish family members’ emotions in everyday family life

Böök, Marja Leena; Mykkänen, Johanna

University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Are routines and daily structure a part of happy family life?

Saarilahti, Marja

University of Helsinki, Finland

Influence of socio-educational institutions on the everyday practices and routines of families

Sabla, Kim-Patrick

University of Vechta, Germany

Residential gestures translating family syntax. An overview.

Negrisanu, Daniela Luciana

Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania

WS17: Work and family life II - family and career development
Location: 2.512
Chair: Dr. Marie Valentova, LISER

Generation and propensity of long career interruptions due to childcare under different family policy regimes. A multilevel approach.

Valentova, Marie

LISER, Luxembourg

Doing gender: narratives of spousal support for women and men managers’ careers

Heikkinen, Suvi; Lämsä, Anna-Maija

University of Jyväskylä, School of Business and Economics, Finland

Dual career, parenthood and academia within neoliberal transformations

Leinfellner, Stefanie

University of Paderborn, Germany

General Assembly of the ESFR
Location: HS2