Session Overview
Date: Wednesday, 31/Aug/2016
Invited symposium: Generations in family and society
Location: 2.106

Chair(s): Brandt, Martina (TU Dortmund)


Presentations of the Symposium


Macro-micro-links: population structures and family realities

Herlofson, Katharina


How policies shape interdependence among lives in the family realm

Dykstra, Pearl A.
Erasmus University Rotterdam


Social exclusion and support between generations

Deindl, Christian1, Brandt, Martina2
1Goethe-University Frankfurt, Institute of Sociology, Germany, 2TU Dortmund, Institute of Sociology, Germany


Childlessness and intergenerational transfers in later life

Albertini, Marco
Bologna University, Italy

Date: Thursday, 01/Sep/2016
WS5: Care and welfare policies
Location: 2.106
Chair: Judith Kaschowitz, TU Dortmund

The experience of Arab social workers treating Arab fathers at parent-child centers in Israel in the context of political and gender conflict

Jammal-Abboud, Romain1; Blit-Cohen, Edith2

1: Haifa University, Israel; 2: Hebrew University, Israel

Between objective needs and moral acceptance – outsourcing carework in Germany & UK

Nisic, Natascha

University of Hamburg, Germany

Symposium: Value transmission and intergenerational relations across the life course
Location: 2.106

Chair(s): Barni, Daniela (LUMSA University of Rome)

Discussant(s): Ferring, Dieter (University of Luxembourg)


Presentations of the Symposium


Value priorities of Estonian adolescents

Tamm, Anni, Tulviste, Tiia
University of Tartu, Tartu


The value(s) of teachers: What do teachers want to transmit to their adolescent students?

Barni, Daniela1, Danioni, Francesca2, Rosnati, Rosa2
1LUMSA University of Rome, 2Catholic University of Milan


Actual and perceived value similarities between adult children and their ageing parents in migrant compared to non-migrant families in Luxembourg

Albert, Isabelle, Barros Coimbra, Stephanie, Ferring, Dieter
University of Luxembourg

Symposium: Changing gender arrangements – new imaginations of parenthood. Reconciliation of occupational and family life in a neoliberal society.
Location: 2.106

Chair(s): Baumgarten, Diana (University of Basel)

Discussant(s): Kirchhoff, Nicole (TU Dortmund)


Presentations of the Symposium


"I am replaceable as worker, but not as mother" How Swiss women aged 30 reflect on their occupational and family lifes.

Baumgarten, Diana
University of Basel


Challenging the Hegemony of Carefree Masculinities

Hanlon, Niall
Dublin Business School & University College Dublin


"When I become a father, I want to work part time." How Swiss men aged 30 reflect on their occupational and family lifes.

Wehner, Nina
University of Basel

Date: Friday, 02/Sep/2016
WS18: We don't need no education? Families, school and adolescent substance use
Location: 2.106
Chair: Lenka Sulova, Univerzita Karlova v Praze

Fear in the child upon starting school

Sulova, Lenka; Hoskovcová, Simona

Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts,Charles University, Prague,Czech Republic

Parental reaction to an adolescent alcohol use episode: the impact of communication style on adolescents’ coping responses and motivation to change

Zimmermann, Grégoire; Baudat, Sophie; Van Petegem, Stijn; Antonietti, Jean-Philippe

Family and Development Research Center, Institute of Psychology, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Study about family motivational climate in Spain and Cuba.

Mirtha, del Prado Morales1; Jesús, Tapia Alonso1; Cecilia, Simón Rueda1; Maritza, Morales Sánchez2; Marcela, Rojas3; Roy, Ahram3

1: Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain; 2: University of East. Cuba; 3: Steinhardt Metropolitan Center. NYU. EEUU.

Symposium: Parental nonstandard work schedules, families and children
Location: 2.106

Chair(s): Rönkä, Anna Katriina (University of Jyväskylä), Li, Jianghong (WZB Social Science Center)

Discussant(s): Tammelin, Mia (University of Jyväskylä)


Presentations of the Symposium


Parental work schedules and children’s well-being in Megacity Shanghai, China

Han, Wen-Hui1, Huang, Chien-Chung2
1New York University and NYU-ECNU Institute for Social Development at NYU Shanghai, 2Rutgers University, USA


Parents’ nonstandard work hours and social and emotional wellbeing in adolescent children

Li, Jianghong1, Schäfer, Jakob2, Kendall, Garth3
1WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Germany; Centre for Population Health Research, Curtin University; Telethon KIDS Institute, The University of Western Australia, 2WZB Berlin Social Science Center, 3School of Nursing and Midwifery, Curtin University


Precarity and vulnerability in families with a low socioeconomic background and non-standard working time: results form a qualitative study

Andresen, Sabine
Goethe-University Frankfurt


Daily rhythms of young children in the context of work and care schedules

Sevón, Eija1, Rönkä, Anna1, Räikkönen, Eija2
1Department of Education, University of Jyväskylä, 2Faculty of Education, University of Jyväskylä

Symposium: Managing stress together: benefits and correlates of dyadic coping in couples
Location: 2.106

Chair(s): Donato, Silvia (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore), Pagani, Ariela Francesca (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)

Discussant(s): Schöbi, Dominik (Universität Freiburg)


Presentations of the Symposium


The significance of clarity of other people's feelings for dyadic coping

Leuchtmann, Lorena, Zemp, Martina, Bodenmann, Guy
University of Zurich


Dynamics of dyadic coping in experimentally stressed couples

Kuhn, Rebekka1, Milek, Anne1, Meuwly, Nathalie2, Bodenmann, Guy1
1University of Zurich, 2University of Fribourg


Emotion regulation, dyadic coping and marital satisfaction

Rusu, Petruta1, Bodenmann, Guy2
1“Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, 2University of Zurich


Associations between capitalization and dyadic coping in couple relationship

Pagani, Ariela Francesca, Donato, Silvia, Parise, Miriam, Bertoni, Anna, Iafrate, Raffaella
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Date: Saturday, 03/Sep/2016
Invited symposium: The politics of parenting and social work - an analyses of social work programs and practices as parenting policies
Location: 2.106

Chair(s): Richter, Martina (University Duisburg-Essen), Euteneuer, Matthias (TU Dortmund University)


Presentations of the Symposium


Introduction to the symposium: Social work and the politics of parenting

Euteneuer, Matthias
TU Dortmund University


Interdependencies between the German welfare state, social work and the family

Mierendorff, Johanna
University Berlin


Social work practices between family support and child protection – the influence of social policy and practitioner cultures

Fargion, Silvia
University Bolzano


Ideas of parenting and family support in social work and social policy

Richter, Martina
University Duisburg-Essen