Session Overview
Date: Saturday, 03/Sep/2016
Invited symposium: The politics of parenting and social work - an analyses of social work programs and practices as parenting policies
Location: 2.106

Chair(s): Richter, Martina (University Duisburg-Essen), Euteneuer, Matthias (TU Dortmund University)


Presentations of the Symposium


Introduction to the symposium: Social work and the politics of parenting

Euteneuer, Matthias
TU Dortmund University


Interdependencies between the German welfare state, social work and the family

Mierendorff, Johanna
University Berlin


Social work practices between family support and child protection – the influence of social policy and practitioner cultures

Fargion, Silvia
University Bolzano


Ideas of parenting and family support in social work and social policy

Richter, Martina
University Duisburg-Essen

WS29: Life course, aging and intergenerational relations IV - relationships between young adults and their parents - possiblities and constraints
Location: 2.107
Chair: Prof. Fred Berger, University of Innsbruck

Transitions in regional context: macrostructural conditions and young adults' intergenerational ties

Bertogg, Ariane Christine

University of Zurich, Switzerland

Predicting different types of mother-adult child relationships from family experiences in adolescence

Berger, Fred

University of Innsbruck, Austria

Similarities of parenting styles and solidarity between generations: Effect of parental status

Câmara, Joana; Coimbra, Susana; Fontaine, Anne Marie

University of Porto, Portugal

WS30: Parenthood and family formation VI - motherhood and fatherhood in media discourses
Location: 2.108
Chair: Dr. Anne-Kristin Kuhnt, University Duisburg-Essen

Media discourses of fatherhood in organizations and management in Finland during 1990-2015

Kangas, Emilia Elisabet; Lämsä, Anna-Maija

University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Changing representations of motherhood and fatherhood in Germany’s media

Ils, Alexandra; Buchler, Sandra

Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Facebook, maternity models, and Portuguese woman’s role in the family

César, Filipa; Alexandra, Oliveira; Anne Marie, Fontaine

Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Biographical risks and uncertainty in fertility intentions: a longitudinal perspective

Buhr, Petra1; Kuhnt, Anne-Kristin2

1: University Bremen, Germany; 2: University Duisburg-Essen, Germany

WS31: Pluralisation of family forms IV - union dissolution and parenthood
Location: 2.109
Chair: Dr. Thorsten Kneip, Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy

Single mothers always lose? Divorce, social class and economic wellbeing

Maslauskaite, Ausra

Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania

The interpersonal dynamics of stepfamilies

Repond, Gloria; Darwiche, Joëlle

Université de Lausanne, Switzerland

Between money and love: dilemmas in the everyday lives of low income lone mothers in Sweden

Roman, Christine Marie

Örebro university, Sweden

Social and demographic consequences of unilateral divorce law

Kneip, Thorsten1; Bauer, Gerrit2

1: Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy, Germany; 2: Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany

Keynote: Making sense of parenthood(s): gender, "responsibilities" and practices of caring in longitudinal family research (Prof. Tina Miller)
Location: HS1

Miller, Tina

Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom

Closing Session
Farewell Reception (Foyer EF 50)
Location: Foyer